read eesha's #1 bestselling book today
Are You Still Mine? is a fresh and deeply fascinating take on one of the most controversial historical mysteries ever debated: The love story of Jesus and Mary Magdalen. We've all seen the breadcrumbs of clues and evidence strung throughout the ages that have kept the question of their love alive, but never put together transcendentally as a timeless solution to the corrupt and outdated patriarchal religious institutions of today. This Primordial Gnosis, which has been relentlessly attacked is finally being presented to the modern world as a means of liberating the spirit of humankind and waking us up out of fear and into enlightenment. Take a bite out of this apple and not only be introduced to your transcendental consciousness, but experience the transfiguration of your heart into the aureole of something more than human, something entirely spiritual.
the author
Eesha Mary Ellen Lukas is known throughout the world as a controversial and motivational speaker. She left the public eye in 1998 in fulfillment of God’s directives. She emerges now as the Foundress of the Eeshan Religion and Church of Metta Spirituality and School of Enlightenment. She has written this book to awaken humankind from the spiritual lockdown of two thousand years and bring freedom to humanity to finally experience the secret knowledge deemed dangerous by patriarchal religions.
你還是我的嗎? :
“您仍然屬於我嗎?是一部動人的美麗作品,向讀者介紹了一種超越凡響的靈性方法,而隨著時間的流逝,對於我們所遇到的許多基本問題的答案如何一直在這裡被隱藏起來。這真是令人大開眼界。 (包括第三隻眼睛),溫暖的心和喚醒心靈的經驗證明:愛可以征服所有人。”
-傑西卡·B(Jessica B.)☆☆☆☆☆☆
-Jeff K.☆☆☆☆☆
“幾千年來,許多人在所謂的宗教權威中提出並實施了混亂和迷惑;他們從不回答或證實上帝的子民心中的問題,而是傳播分裂和歧視,而不是傳播“對耶穌的愛和愛”。鄰居。”這些權威無疑地已經重寫或向他的子民隱藏了他的話語和教義。瑪麗·埃倫(Mary Ellen)談到了耶穌,他不僅教導愛,而且還以他的話為生。在這本書中介紹的-我相信他的真實話語和他的真實教義供他的人民聽到和了解。”
-John K.☆☆☆☆☆
“如果……怎麼辦?!這種對生命目的的驚人描述,是由明顯的真正權威寫在耶穌身上的,它向您的內心精妙地講述了一個最慈愛和神聖平衡的上帝以及您甚至夢dream以求的救贖計劃。” “你還是我的嗎?”是一本引人入勝的,具有挑釁性的,超驗的書,必讀!!”
“瑪麗·埃倫·盧卡斯(Mary Ellen Lukas)向我們提供了令人驚奇的目擊者對上帝對人類的熱愛的見證。在這本獨特的書中,她揭示了新事物,並回答了人們長期以來一直在思考的許多問題。這是一本關於生命的書,永生,這是所有關心和認真對待自己永恆命運的高速公路和小路的人的。”
-神父Noel B.☆☆☆☆☆
-William H.☆☆☆☆☆